Alfa Romeo Giulia project !
Followed by English translation
内外装やエンジン・足まわり部品をカスタマイズして自分好みに仕立てる楽しさがアルファロメオ ジュリアにはあります。
CRANK では、このようなカスタマイズのお手伝いができるように、デザイナーでもいらっしゃる当オーナーにもご協力をいただき、内外装職人、メカニックとチームを編成してアルファロメオ ジュリア プロジェクトを立ち上げます。
The Bertone Alfa is a fun way to customise the interior and exterior, mechanical components to your own taste.
This GT1300Junior was previously purchased by the current owner from CRANK. The current owner’s aesthetic eye has created a car so refined that it makes you impression.
The design intent of Giugiaro has been expressed without exaggeration, and the colour matching of the interior and exterior, and even the engine compartment are beautiful.The mechanicals have been tuned appropriately to ensure driving comfort and safety.
This car is an example of what can be achieved by mixing a famous Italian car with Japanese sensitivity and care.
At CRANK, we have teamed up with the owner, interior and exterior craftsmen and mechanics to launch the Bertone Alfa project in order to assist in this kind of customisation.We will introduce you to a base vehicle in Japan, and we will create graphics of the finished vehicle image, create parts using a 3D printer, and even install a bore up and cooler, all in detail and at a reasonable price, to create your one and only car in the world.
Please contact us if you are interested.