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いつもご覧いただきありがとうございます。6月2日,6日に Instagramに投稿をしたキャプション並びにホームページのCar Marketに掲載をした Porsche914 2.0 Phoenix red の走行距離について、Instagramユーザー様のご指摘により、誤記があることが判明いたしましたので、お詫びして訂正いたします。









Thank you for visiting our website.

An Instagram user pointed out that there was an error in the caption of our posts of June 2nd and 6th regarding the mileage of the Porsche 914 2.0 Phoenix red, which is also published on the Car Market page of this website. We apologize for the inconvenience and share here the correction:


Mistake: 20,000 km
Correct: 60,000 km


The mileage is one of the most important pieces of information when choosing a car. To prevent such typographical errors from occurring in the future, we will strive to provide accurate information to our customers by thoroughly communicating with the owners and reviewing the process that goes from evaluating the current situation to the information posting.


We apologize to everyone for the inconvenience caused by this error and thank our Instagram followers for pointing out the error.