In the bustling streets of Tokyo, amidst the symphony of urban hustle, a bright orange Porsche 911 Targa stands out, catching the eye of every passerby.
This stunning vehicle belongs to Simon, a proud new owner who recently purchased it from CRANK Tokyo.
Simon’s story with cars is a fascinating one. Hailing from Stuttgart, the very city where Porsche is headquartered, he has a deep-rooted connection with the brand. His family lives in a charming 1928 house, a stone’s throw away from the Porsche development center, surrounded by the picturesque vineyards and the enchanting Black Forest.
The Porsche 911 Targa, for Simon, is not just a car; it’s a piece of his heritage, a slice of home in Tokyo.For Simon, his Porsche is more than a means of transportation; it’s a vessel for creating memories with his family. He envisions weekend drives to the mountain areas around Tokyo with his wife and two children, basking in the vibrant hues of autumn leaves.
Moreover, the car’s convertible feature, allowing him to open the roof, promises journeys filled with excitement, fresh air, and sunshine, ensuring he arrives at work in a better mood.
Interestingly, Simon’s automotive journey began with a Volkswagen Beetle, his first ever car and it still holds a special place in his heart. However, Porsche has always been his dream. Now, with the Porsche 911 Targa, that dream has taken a beautiful, tangible form.
Simon’s connection with CRANK Tokyo began through Instagram. Captivated by their impressive collection and the stories of cars and owners, he knew this was where he would find his dream Porsche. And CRANK did not disappoint.In the future, Simon plans to bring the Porsche 911 Targa back to Stuttgart, to its birthplace. It’s a poetic thought – a car making its journey back to where its story began, carrying with it new tales and adventures from a land far away.
At CRANK Tokyo, we are proud to have played a part in this beautiful story of cars and their owners.